This week we watched the movie "Crash." This film portrayed racial tension among black, white, Mexican, Persian, and Asian people. While watching this movie I thought that the main theme was racism, but towards the end I realized that the theme is also people's fear and avoidance of racism. Many people think that if they don't explicitly make racist comments, or call someone out because of their race, that they are not racist. In the movie, Crash, Sandra Bullock's character demonstrated a married women who had a gun pointed at her face and had her car stolen. Earlier, she was implicitly racist for holding onto her husband's arm as soon as she saw the two black guys. Later, when she got home, she was explicitly racist for telling her husband that she thought the Mexican locksmith would give a copy of their key for one of his "gang banger friends." Neither one of these reactions is okay.
We have to realize that the news and media make the world seem more dangerous than it actually is. The doctor in Oprah said that only 3% of rapists/crimes are done by people of color. This means that 97% of them are white. Also, in the movie characters assumed that the Persians were Arab just because of their skin tone, facial hair, and the tone while speaking. Some people assume that because someone is Muslim they have some sort of terrorist affiliation, but only 6% of all terrorists are Muslim. The rest are white. This is not what most people think. It’s because of the media that they think this way. Countless times have a seen people look at others in a certain way because of the color of their skin or an article of clothing. This is not right. We should not make any assumptions before we actually talk to the person.